Friday 28 August 2015

August favorites: Fashion edit...

I have been loving reading Vogue especially the August edition as it had many great tips for what to wear this summer but also what to buy as we go into winter as of course the shops are already filling with the 2015 Winter collections to my delight as that just means I have a new excuse to go shopping saying that I always end up finding one way or another to justify going shopping even if there isn't a season change or a new collection of makeup or fashion.

 one of my new favourite 'statement' pieces is these brown Chelsea boots that I found in the sale on ASOS, for a discounted £20. I love a good bargain especially for a classic piece like this that will last a few years. They are very comfortable and are great for those more cooler and rain days. With my jeans or some cute leggings they look really good and just finish the look
This O clock is really cool as you can switch the clock face or the band depending on what colour or look you are creating. It came in this cute tin that is very cool!

I have loved so many things in fashion this august and I have shown just a few including a Tiffany and co Toggle bracelet and my Calvin Klein sunglasses that have a brown tortoise shell frame with brown lenses that look amazing when on!