A bit about me!

A bit about me!

I am a 15 year old beauty fanatic, I love everything about beauty from skin care to applying the makeup, I started to get into makeup around the age of 10. I have the most amazing sister Sophie who always looks amazing, she was 11 I think when I was born so she is defiantly a big inspiration to me.

When I was about 5 my brother met my sister-in-law Becky and as I have grown up she has been like my second sister, taking me shopping, having our toenails painted and going bowling. So she has also inspired me in many ways, I even did her wedding makeup which was an amazing privilege.
 Along with them I have a wonderful Mother Rosemary and many Aunties and cousins that have shaped the way I am today not forgetting my Father Michael and Grandparent that are very supportive.

Jess x

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