Thursday 1 September 2016

My healthy eating journey...

I starting being a pescatarian when I was around 5 and stopped when I was 14 as too many things around me were tempting me into meat again especially salami! But after a year and a half break I am back pescatarian as I felt when I was eating meat, my diet became a lot more unhealthy as I wasn't thinking about what was being put in my mouth and instead eating everything and anything. Which was not great as it was making me feel not so great inside. I decided to change things around 3 months ago and I thought instead of putting in 50 percent effort, I was going to put in that full 100 percent. So I joined my local gym where a couple of my best friends go and kick start my healthy eating by becoming pescatarian again.

I feel going to a gym with friends really does help as you have the support and motivation of others around you that also want to achieve the same results as you. The results I wanted personally was to tone my body, become more physically fit in general such as, being able to go on a run without feeling totally out of breath with in a short amount of time. Along with hopefully gaining a bit of muscle too. I felt these were achievable goals that I could one day reach.

Food wise I began looking into different recipes, then looking into the ingredients it contains and the health benefits they would bring me. I found that having a smoothie bowl for breakfast really helped me get of to a good start everyday, they were simple smoothie bowls but topped with lots of healthy things such as chia seed, flax seed and spirulina powder to add the extra goodness and especially the iron you need when cutting out meat.

I will keep you updated about my new healthy start and will be sharing some of my favourite recipes and tips soon...