Monday 22 June 2015

Review: Benefit they're real! Mascara in Beyond Blue!

benefit they're real! Mascara is a favourite of many but on Saturday 27th June they are bringing two more out in that collection one beyond brown and this one which is beyond blue my personal favourite! 
It looks scary at first but it does not apply that blue to the eyelashes it just adds a hint of blue but can sometimes look very blue in some lights, so just be careful if aren't going for the electric blue look!
The packaging is great as it sticks to the original packaging but makes it metallic and the same colour as colour of the product so blue tinted!
The brush and formula is the same as the original one which is nice the brush is plastic and the formula is thick but not clumpy, which is really good as sometimes brands do change the formula depending on the colour.

It is £19.50 and can be purchased from benefits from Saturday 27th June!

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